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필리페 발터


2007년부터 파트너

Bleichstrasse 14
D-40211 Duesseldorf

Phone +49 211 90490-0
Fax +49 211 90490-49


상세 프로필

피리페 발터는 RWTH 아헨 대학에서 통신 기술을 전문, 전기공학을 전공하고, 1999년 디플롬 엔지니어로 졸업하였다. 대학시절에 그는 주로 이동 통신에 관한 주제를 연구하였고, 그의 학위 논문은 독일의 주요 모바일 네트워크 사업자 중 하나에 의해 지원이 되었다. 그는 COHAUSZ & FLORACK에서 지적 재산권 법률에 대한 연수를 마친 후, 2002년에 유럽 특허청 대표와 독일 변리사로 졸업을 하였고 유럽의 지적 재산권 법에 대한 마스터 학위를 취득하기 위해 그 과정을 계속해 나갔다. 그는 2003년에 변리사로 COHAUSZ & FLORACK에 입사하여 2007년에 파트너가 되었다.

필리페는 지적 재산권 법에 관련된 모든 문제에 대해 국내 및 국제 고객을 대표한다. 그의 고객들은 국제적인 유틸리티 기업 및 첨단 기술 벤처에 자동차 공급 업체에 이르기까지 다양하다. 독일 중소기업의 지적 재산 포트폴리오의 모든 측면을 돌보는 것 외에도, 필리페의 법률 활동은 특허 침해, 반대 및 무효 소송에 대한 조언을 포함한다. 여기서 그는 스마트폰 제조업체들 사이에서 뿐만 아니라 자동차 공급 업체 또는 Set-Top-Box 제조업체들 사이의 법적 분쟁의 다양한 논쟁 문제에 대해서도 활발한 반응을 보였다. 지금 필리페의 활동과 관련하여 또 다른 초점은 국제 라이센스 풀과 관련 블루 레이 기술 및 비디오 인코딩 기술 표준에 관한 특허 법률 문제를 다루는 데 있다.

필리페는 독일어와 영어를 구사한다.

현재 추천된 곳

  • IAM Patent 1000 2024
    “(…) thinks long term and provides invaluable assistance to companies in the electrical engineering, IT and mechatronics space, seeking to get the most out of their patents. “
  • Leaders League 2024
  • Legal 500 EMEA 2024
  • Legal 500 Deutschland 2024
  • JUVE Patent 2023
  • Best Lawyers 2024
  • IAM Patent 1000 2023
    “Philipe Walter is a very experienced patent attorney and has supported a number of litigation cases. He represents his clientele diligently across the entire breadth of the patent system. He is accomplished and very competent in his field. He has a great depth and breadth of understanding, and can cover a very wide spectrum of patent issues.”
  • Leaders League 2023
    (...) highly recommended for patent prosecution and recommended for patent litigation (…)
  • IAM Global Leaders 2023
  • JUVE Patent 2022
    "very good in infringement and nullity cases” (competitor)
  • IAM Patent 1000 2022
    "Philipe Walter manages large and high-value patent portfolios with finesse and deals dexterously with complex disputes involving electrical, software, internet and other technologies. He is also looked up to as an authority on licensing of standard-essential patents."
  • Best Lawyers 2023
  • Legal 500 EMEA 2022
  • Legal 500 Deutschland 2022
  • IAM Global Leaders 2022
  • IAM Patent 1000 2021
    “His background as an engineer for a mobile operator gives him great awareness of the challenges that arise from software inventions and innovations in the IoTfield."
  • Leaders League 2021
    Highly recommended for patent litigation
  • Best Lawyers 2022
  • The LEGAL 500 EMEA 2021
  • The LEGAL 500 Germany 2021
  • Wirtschaftswoche Ranking Patent Attorneys 2020
  • IAM Patent 1000 2020
    "A skilled portfolio manager whose contributions in litigation are extremely value additive, Philippe Walter is among the most distinguished patent attorneys in Germany. Navigationg complex licensing pool and standard matters, he knows how to get clients over difficult obstacles."
  • IAM Global Leaders 2020
  • Best Lawyers 2020
  • The LEGAL 500 EMEA 2020
  • The LEGAL 500 Deutschland 2020
  • IAM Global Leaders 2020
  • Wirtschaftswoche Ranking Patenanwälte 2019
  • IAM Patent 1000, 2019
    "(...) Mechanical sensation Philipe Walter is likewise “able to understand different technologies very quickly and in depth, writing applications that strike a great balance between breadth and focus” (...)
  • Chambers Europe and Chambers Global 2019
    Leaders in their Field
  • Best Lawyers 2020
  • The LEGAL 500 Deutschland und EMEA 2019
    "(...) very good patent law and technical expertise (...)"
  • IAM Patent 1000, 2018
    "(...) Electrical engineering wonder Philipe Walter has the foresight and analytical dexterity to put together inviolable strategies. (...)"
  • Best Lawyers 2018
  • Leaders League 2018
  • Chambers Europe und Chambers Global 2018
    "(...) He is capable of completing difficult specialised topics adeptly and in time."
  • The LEGAL 500 2018
    "(...) sehr strukturierte Arbeitsweise und dabei immer das große Ganze hinsichtlich der Unternehmensziele des Mandanten im Blick. (...)"
  • Chambers Europe und Chambers Global 2017
    "(...) assists with patent prosecution and portfolio management. He has a strong technical background in electrical engineering, and often handles matters relating to mechatronics and electromobility. Highlights include advising RWE on the creation and management of its patent portfolio spanning smart homes, e-mobility and renewable energy patents. (...)"
  • IAM Patent 1000, 2017
    "(...) has unique knowledge of the technical standards in Blu-ray technology and video encoding (...)"
  • Chambers Europe 2016
    "(...) We are happy with the quality of work. He has an excellent knowledge of new technology. (...)"
  • IAM Patent 1000, 2016
    "(...) broad and deep knowledge of all aspects of patent law and application procedures, and pragmatic advice - even in the most complex matters (...)"
  • Chambers Europe 2015
