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Rebekka Schiffer



Bleichstrasse 14
D-40211 Duesseldorf

Phone +49 211 90490-0
Fax +49 211 90490-49



Rebekka Schifferはドイツ国内外で法律を学ぶ。デュッセルドルフ知的財産法学位取得プログラムの第一期卒業生。 司法修習期間、COHAUSZ & FLORACKと英国に本拠地のある法律事務所の知的財産部門で勤務。

Rebekka Schifferは2005年よりCOHAUSZ & FLORACKの弁理士で、商標と意匠法、また広告と競争法に重点を置く。 主に知的財産権ポートフォリオのグローバルな管理について国内外の企業の代理人を務める。 これには、商標作成、商標排除調査、商標デザイン作成とその戦略に関するクライアントへのカウンセリング、ブランド製品の市場導入時の法的代理人業務、またクライアントの利益の主張が含まれる。 その業務範囲は商標、ブランド、意匠と広告に関する全分野。 特に、ブランド製品商取引グローバル化の観点から、INTAやMARQUESなどの国際商標会議には定期的に参加し、現行の著作権と商標懸案についてCOHAUSZ & FLORACKに関連ある国内外の他の弁理士と意見や情報を交換し合う。

ドイツの弁理士としてRebekka Schifferは主にドイツの地方・上級地方裁判所、連邦特許裁判所、欧州連合一般裁判所(EGC)、欧州連合司法裁判所(CJEU)、またドイツ特許・商標庁(DPMA)、欧州連合知的財産庁 (EUIPO)、世界知的所有権機関(WIPO)に対する代理人である。



  • Leaders League 2024
  • WIPR Germany Trademark Rankings 2024 says:
    “Ms. Schiffer is always business oriented and focused on efficiency and high-grade advice”
    “Mrs Rebekka Schiffer is very committed and competent”
  • WTR 1000 2024
    „very agile and solutions oriented“
  • Who's Who Legal Germany 2024 (Trademarks)
  • JUVE Handbuch 2023
  • Best Lawyers 2024
  • Who’s Who Legal: Thought Leaders - Germany - Trademarks 2023
  • Leaders League 2023
    (...) recommended for trademark prosecution and litigation (…)
  • WTR 1000 2023
    "Schiffer is a portfolio management ace (…)"
  • Who's Who Legal Germany 2023 (Trademarks)
  • WTR 1000 2022
  • Best Lawyers 2023
  • Who's Who Legal Germany 2022 (Trademarks)
    Rebekka Schiffer is widely regarded as "one of the best lawyers for IP matters" as a result of her "vast knowledge of trademark law and customer-oriented approach".
  • WTR 1000 2021
    "From the creation of sophisticated brand strategies to the defence of her clients' rights before every venue you can think of, Rebekka Schiffer has mastered it all. Reliable and practical, her all-encompassing trademark practice sees her manage matters across the entire continent."
  • Leaders League 2021
    Highly recommended for trademark prosecution
  • Best Lawyers 2022
  • WTR 1000 2021
    "The main draw from a trademark perspective (...), a reliable professional who always offers practical solutions and approaches."
  • Who's Who Legal Germany – Trademarks 2021
    "Rebekka Schiffer attracts praise as 'one of the best in the IP field' for her extensive expertise advising clients on trademark creation."
  • Who's Who Legal Germany – Trademarks 2020
  • Best Lawyers 2021
  • WTR 1000 2020
    "She never returns work late, even if it causes her to work well beyond normal working hours. She provides an assessment of practical risk rather than a purely legal verdict, which is very helpful. She is one of the most trustworthy trademark attorneys in Europe, let alone Germany.
  • Who's Who Legal Germany – Trademarks 2019
  • WTR 1000 2019
  • Who's Who Legal Germany – Trademarks 2018
    "(…) impresses international clients with the way that she “always takes timescales and budget in account when putting together communications and recommended actions”. She is highly regarded for being “trustworthy and professional at all times"."
  • WTR 1000 2018
  • JUVE 2017/2018
    "(...) sachl. u. mandantennahe Beratung (...)"
  • Who’s Who Legal Trademarks 2017
  • Who's Who Legal Germany – Trademarks 2017
  • Who’s Who Legal Trademarks 2016
  • Who's Who Legal Germany – Trademarks 2016