IP rights for start-ups

Do you have an idea for a product that has never existed before? And do you have plans to turn this idea into a business? Congratulations! You’ve already taken the first steps. But to make sure your idea is not copied or marketed by others, IP rights are in many cases essential.

Even if your product is still in the development stage, it might be worth applying for an IP right already – for example, a patent, a (comparatively cheaper) utility model, a trademark, or a design. This will protect your ideas from being copied and prepare your budding company for the future. For example, it is often the case that existing or registered IP rights are an important aspect in pitches or in the search for investors.

If there is a dispute - for example if your idea is copied by a competitor - IP rights make even more sense. Start-ups in Germany have an excellent legal backing and solid opportunities to enforce their IP rights in court and thus establish a strong position in the market early on.

Patents, utility models, trademarks, and so on secure your path to independence. We will support you so that you can enjoy the maximum benefit from these IP rights!

Any questions? Just get in touch!

Your opportunities

Protecting technical inventions – with patents and utility models

We’ll show you how to get the best possible economic benefit from your idea for a technical product – thanks to a patent or a utility model. Learn more about these important IP rights and about protection requirements, ways to apply, costs, and financial assistance!

Setting the pace, protecting products – with trademarks and designs

With a trademark, you label and protect your goods or services, for example through characteristic words, images, or sounds. A design protects the shape and color of your two- or three-dimensional product. Both IP rights create clear distinguishing features that set you apart from your competitors’ offerings. Find out about how you can benefit from trademarks and designs!

Our start-up consultation

Find out about our services and about the potential to protect your ideas under intellectual property law! Our attorneys will be happy to show you the general direction in which your idea can go and discuss further possible steps on your path to applying for IP rights.

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