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Dr. Frederik Tenholt

Patent Assessor | European Patent Attorney
UPC Representative

Bleichstrasse 14
D-40211 Duesseldorf

Phone +49 211 90490-0
Fax +49 211 90490-49


Detailed profile

Dr. Frederik Tenholt is a physicist and, as a patent assessor at COHAUSZ & FLORACK, advises well-known companies in Germany and abroad on all areas of IP law.

After studying physics at the TU Dortmund University, he earned his doctorate at the Ruhr University Bochum. Fascinated by high-energy astrophysics, he chose this field as his academic focus. He gained a great deal of international experience in this area of research, including at the WIPAC (Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center) in Madison (USA) and at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in Berkeley (USA). From 2016 to 2021, Frederik Tenholt was a member of the IceCube collaboration, which operates an observatory for high-energy cosmic neutrinos in Antarctica. During his doctoral studies, Frederik Tenholt took part in numerous international specialist conferences in South Korea, the USA, Sweden, and Japan, among other places. He received financial support from the Ruth and Gert Massenberg Foundation and Project International at the Ruhr University Bochum.

In April 2024, Dr. Frederik Tenholt completed his patent attorney training at COHAUSZ & FLORACK under the supervision of Michel Kaminsky and Dr. Peter Reckenthäler and was admitted as a representative before the European Patent Office (EPO) and the Unified Patent Court (UPC).

Dr. Frederik Tenholt has been a patent assessor at COHAUSZ & FLORACK since May 2024. With his dedication and in-depth expertise, he supports the firm’s physics and electrical engineering teams.

Dr. Frederik Tenholt advises clients in German and English.