Employee inventions

Innovations often arise from workers’ ideas and are thus considered their personal, individual performance. Employee inventor law (“ArbnErfG”) provides the basic legal framework so that you, as an employer, can make use of such efforts. The rights and obligations arising from the law can be used as the basis for an effective compensation system. In that way, you can motivate your employees to continue their inventive work. We’ll assist you in the development of such a system and will work out processes with which you can make sensible use of and secure the valuable ideas of your employees. Should a dispute occur - for example regarding the amount of compensation - both employers as well as employees can call upon the Arbitration Board for Employee Inventions at the German PTO. This will then try to bring about an amicable settlement between the two parties. Proceedings before the Arbitration Board are often a requirement for subsequent legal proceedings.

We’ll support you in developing a system for managing employee inventions. Together, we’ll develop processes with which you can use and secure the valuable ideas of your employees. We’ll also advise you on implementing potential strategies based on remuneration and other company incentives in order to motivate your employees and encourage them to continue being inventive.

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