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Andreas Thielmann

专利律师 | European Patent Attorney | UPC Representative

1993 年成为合伙人

Bleichstrasse 14
D-40211 Duesseldorf

Phone +49 211 90490-0
Fax +49 211 90490-49



作为 COHAUSZ & FLORACK 的专利律师和合伙人,Andreas Thielmann 为德国和国外公司提供咨询服务,尤其是通用机械工程和采矿技术领域的咨询。 他主要处理包装技术、陶瓷和耐火材料以及环境和工艺工程方面的问题。 他为客户提供知识产权所有领域的咨询,特别是技术产权和商标咨询。 凭借多年的经验和专业知识,Andreas Thielmann 还为本公司培训年轻专利律师提供支持。 此外,他还加入了各种国际知识产权组织,是卡尔斯鲁厄联邦最高法院 (BGH) 专利律师事务评议会的名誉法官。

Andreas Thielmann 在亚琛工业大学学习采矿并在一家采矿研究所工作多年后,开始了他的专利律师生涯。 他于 1993 年成为 COHAUSZ & FLORACK 的合伙人。 他用德语和英语为客户提供咨询服务。


  • IAM Patent 1000 2024
    "Thielmann provides invaluable advice that neatly aligns with his clients’ overall business goals, which builds and nurtures long-lasting relationships."
  • Leaders League 2024
  • Best Lawyers 2024
  • IAM Patent 1000 2023
    “With a background in mining technology and metallurgy, Andreas Thielmann is a strong choice for many companies seeking patents in the mechanical engineering space. His technical expertise and mastery of patent law have earned him a seat as an honorary judge in the Senate for Patent Attorney Matters at the Federal Supreme Court (BGH) in Karlsruhe.”
  • Leaders League 2023
    (...) highly recommended for patent prosecution (…)
  • IAM Patent 1000 2022
    "Among German Patent Attorneys, Andreas Thielmann is a foremost expert in mechanical engineering. He supports clients in many meaningful ways, leveraging broad-ranging patent, trademarks and designs knowledge and extensive professional experience."
  • Best Lawyers 2023
  • Legal 500 EMEA 2022
  • Legal 500 Deutschland 2022
  • IAM Patent 1000 2021
    “Having regularly attended international conferences over the past 25 years, he relies on many personal business acquaintances in his worldwide IP network."
  • Leaders League 2021
    Excellent in patent prosecution
  • Best Lawyers 2022
  • Wirtschaftswoche Ranking Patentanwälte 2020
  • IAM Patent 1000 2020
    "Andreas Thielmann is at the pinnacle of the attorney profession in Germany when it comes to mechanical engineering. Committed to the highest standards of quality, he plays a vital role for his clients as an advisor and to colleagues in his firm as a mentor."
  • IAM Global Leaders 2020
  • Best Lawyers 2020
  • IAM Patent 1000, 2019
    "(...) boasts vast experience in patents, gained working in industry, private practice and the German PTO in Munich; his mechanical engineering nous is much admired within the field."
  • Best Lawyers 2020
  • IAM Patent 1000, 2018
    “(...) extremely experienced professional who plays a significant role in IP committees and is hands-on with his clients (...)”
  • IAM Patent 1000, 2017
    “(...) is a really experienced professional who is fully committed to clients and notably active for international IP organisations, (...)”