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Mathias Karlhuber


2005 年成为合伙人

Bleichstrasse 14
D-40211 Duesseldorf

Phone +49 211 90490-0
Fax +49 211 90490-49



Mathias Karlhuber 在慕尼黑工业大学、汉堡-哈尔堡工业大学和伊利诺伊州芝加哥拉什长老教会圣路加医疗中心完成机械工程设计技术专业,1995 年获工程学硕士学位。

他在汉堡和柏林专利法律事务所、慕尼黑德国专利商标局、联邦专利法​​院和地方法院接受知识产权法培训。 1999 年经认证成为专利律师以及欧洲专利局和欧盟知识产权局的代表。 在柏林专利律师事务所执业两年后,Mathias Karlhuber 于 2001 年加入 COHAUSZ&FLORACK。 2005 年成为合伙人。 2015 年成为国际商会专利报告人。


Mathias Karlhuber 会讲德语、英语和法语。


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    “Mathias has a deep technical understanding, even of complex SEP and ICT cases, and successfully and efficiently gets the best out of tricky situations. He is confident and sophisticated in the courtroom, too.”
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  • IAM Patent 1000 2023
    “Mathias Karlhuber is excellent in oppositions. He is highly professional, detail conscious and always focused on the big picture. He has a sound technical understanding and delivers his arguments with good advocacy skills. He and the whole C&F team are very capable.”
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