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Gottfried Schüll

专利律师 | European Patent Attorney | UPC Representative

1999 年成为合伙人

Bleichstrasse 14
D-40211 Duesseldorf

Phone +49 211 90490-0
Fax +49 211 90490-49



二十多年来,Gottfried Schüll 一直是世界顶尖的专利律师之一。 他制定的执法策略使得专利所有者能够成功地将其专利组合货币化; 曾代表各种规模的国际客户就信息和通信技术、电子和半导体领域的重大案件提起诉讼; 并获准在欧盟统一专利法院、德国联邦最高法院、德国联邦专利法院以及德国和欧洲专利局执业。

他从一开始就大量参与了基于标准必要专利 (SEP) 的专利侵权诉讼。 视频压缩(MPEG-2、AVC/H.264、HEVC/H.265)和通信技术(TCP/IP、NFC、4G、DSL)相关的 SEP 所有者在 20 多年来在针对其技术使用者的复杂诉讼中都依赖他的建议。

基于此成功实施 SEP 的经验,基于 HEVC/H.265 SEP 的侵权诉讼在 2023 年以智能手机和电视的全球市场领导者获得专利组合许可而告终。 以及自 2015 年以来,基于 AVC/H.264 SEP 针对中国最大的智能手机和电视制造商进行了成功的实施活动,为 Via Licensing Alliance 的相应许可计划做出了贡献,被视为是 SEP 许可的黄金标准。

Gottfried Schüll 担任过 750 多起专利纠纷和无效诉讼案件的首席律师。 

Gottfried Schüll 作为演讲嘉宾出席各种专业活动,并撰写了许多有关德国和欧洲 SEP 部门的文章。 他一直是 COHAUSZ & FLORACK 团队合伙人,时间长达 20 多年。


  • Best Lawyers 2025
  • IAM Patent 1000 2024
    “(…) a business-savvy practitioner who is quick to get to the key points and find the commercial value for his following. He performs exceptionally well when managing SEP portfolios.”
  • Leaders League 2024
  • Legal 500 EMEA 2024
  • Legal 500 Deutschland 2024
  • JUVE Patent 2023
    “his advice, expertise and representation is rock solid, practical, thoughtful and second to none” (client)
  • Best Lawyers 2024
  • IAM Patent 1000 2023
    ”Gottfried Schüll maintains long-term relationships with his following. He is among the smartest, most reliable and most effective attorneys in the patent profession. His ingenuity, honesty, technical knowledge, work ethic and groundbreaking experience are impressive. He is a first-rate practitioner and his service is outstanding throughout.”
  • Patent Star 2023 (IP Stars)
  • Leaders League 2023
    (...) highly recommended for patent prosecution (…)
  • Legal 500 EMEA 2023
  • Legal 500 Deutschland 2023
  • JUVE Patent 2022
    “outstanding specialist, very friendly" (competitor)
  • IAM Patent 1000 2022
    "Gottfried Schüll is an oracle when it comes to communications technology and everything with SEP- and FRAND-related. He is a leading expert on licensings and has played an integral role in many significant SEP patent infringement cases."
  • Best Lawyers 2022
  • Legal 500 EMEA 2022
  • Legal 500 Deutschland 2022
  • JUVE Patent Ranking 2021/2022
  • Patent star 2021 (IP Stars)
  • IAM Patent 1000 2021
    “He is currently representing owners of patents essential for the AVC/H.264 video compression technology against TV manufacturers. Prior successful enforcement campaigns against the largest Chinese smartphone manufacturers based on AVC/H.264 SEPs have contributed to the status of the MPEG LAs corresponding licensing programme as the gold standard in SEP licensing."
  • Leaders League 2021
    Excellent in patent prosecution
  • Best Lawyers 2022
  • The LEGAL 500 EMEA 2021
  • The LEGAL 500 Germany 2021
  • JUVE Handbuch 2020/2021
    Leading advisor among patent attorneys
  • IP Stars 2020
  • IAM Patent 1000 2020
    "Gottfried Schüll brings comfort when trouble brews because of his vast litigation and nullity experience. He sees the whole playing field when it comes to German and European patent litigation, and is an authority in the areas in video compression and international patent licensing."
  • Best Lawyers 2020
  • JUVE Handbuch 2019/2020
    Führender Name unter Patentanwälten
  • Wirtschaftswoche Ranking Patenanwälte 2019
  • IAM Patent 1000, 2019
    "(...) the indomitable Gottfried Schüll, a video compression veteran, continues to prove a major draw for discerning clients looking for the very finest technological skill. (...)
  • IP Stars 2019
  • Best Lawyers 2020
  • JUVE Handbuch 2018/2019
    Führender Name unter Patentanwälten
  • The LEGAL 500 Germany 2018
  • IP Stars 2018
  • Best Lawyers 2018
  • IAM Patent 1000, 2018
    "(...) Lately they have been flexing their muscles representing Columbia University, Godo Kaisha IP Bridge 1, Tagivan, Mitsubishi Electric and Panasonic on enforcement actions against Huawei and ZTE concerning patents for the digital video encoding standard AVC/H.264, which is used in smartphones. Leading the charge on this was Gottfried Schüll, utilising his profound wisdom of the telecoms sector. (...)"
  • Leaders League 2018
  • IAM Patent 1000, 2017
    "(...) Gottfried Schüll is both a precision prosecutor and a potent litigator (...)"
  • Wirtschaftswoche Ranking Patenanwälte 2017
  • The LEGAL 500 2017
  • IP Stars 2017
  • JUVE Handbuch 2016/2017
    Führender Name unter Patentanwälten
  • IAM Patent 1000, 2016
    "(...) Enforcement king (...)"
  • The LEGAL 500 2016
  • JUVE Handbuch 2015/2016
    Führender Name unter Patentanwälten
  • IAM Patent 1000 2015
    "(...) an adept performer before the EPO (...)"
