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Natalie Kirchhofer 博士

专利律师 | European Patent Attorney | UPC Representative

2018 年成为合伙人

Bleichstrasse 14
D-40211 Duesseldorf

Phone +49 211 90490-0
Fax +49 211 90490-49



Natalie Kirchhofer 博士是化学、制药和生命科学领域的专家。 作为 COHAUSZ & FLORACK 的专利律师和合伙人,她为德国和海外的化学和制药公司以及生物技术初创企业提供所有有关知识产权问题的咨询。 客户尤其受益于她的战略建议,以及她在口头谈判中出色的专长、分析技巧和口才。 Natalie Kirchhofer 已经为制药行业的一些知名公司成功地进行了许多诉讼程序(特别是有效性、反对和无效诉讼),并实施了有价值的知识产权保护。 她同时也是化学和药物专利法领域的撰稿人和讲师。

此外,她还担任国家和国际仲裁或其他 ADR 诉讼的联合律师、仲裁员或专家证人,特别是涉及复杂的知识产权(如专利)和科学或技术相关事项的主题,包括研发或许可活动引起的争议。 在所有这些领域,她都可以充分利用她在担任知识产权战略顾问、知识产权诉讼律师和交易中知识产权尽职调查顾问期间积累的丰富经验。

她在蒂宾根大学的生物化学研究得到了德国国家学术基金会提供的奖学金资助。 凭借 Fulbright 奖学金,她与纽约洛克菲勒大学的诺贝尔奖获得者 Günter Blobel 教授一起完成了一年的学术研究。 随后她拿到了博士学位,期间获得了慕尼黑马克斯普朗克生物化学研究所勃林格殷格翰基金的奖学金。

在 COHAUSZ & FLORACK 接受知识产权法职业培训后,她在 2014 年获得德国专利律师资质并成为欧洲专利局代表。 然后,她在纽约 Ropes & Gray LLP 的知识产权诉讼实践小组工作了六个月,在那里积累了美国专利法方面的实践经验。 她还被借调到一家大型德国制药公司工作过。

Natalie Kirchhofer 于 2014 年成为 COHAUSZ & FLORACK 的专利律师,充实本公司的化学、制药和生命科学团队。 2018 年,她被任命为合伙人。 她用德语、英语和法语为客户提供咨询服务。


  • IAM Patent 1000 2024
    “an excellent patent attorney who understands the needs of her clients and responds to them quickly in a business-oriented and highly pragmatic way. She is a safe pair of hands for very challenging cases that require the highest level of expertise, as she works diligently, collaborates closely with her clientele and has high-quality scientific conversations with R&D experts to provide meaningful and clear opinions. Natalie is very articulate and is an effective advocate who clearly and succinctly presents strategies, arguments and complex facts.”
  • Leaders League 2024
  • Legal 500 EMEA 2024
  • Chambers Europe 2024
    “She learns very quickly and always has an eye for detail."
  • Chambers Global 2024
    "She learns very quickly and always has an eye for detail."
  • Legal 500 Deutschland 2024
  • Who’s Who Legal - Patents & Patent agents 2024
  • JUVE Patent 2023
    “persistently good” (competitor)
  • Wiwo TOP-Anwalt 2023
  • Best Lawyers 2024
  • IAM Patent 1000 2023
    “Natalie Kirchhofer is a highly talented advocate for even the most challenging dispute, opposition and appeal cases in front of the German and European Patent Offices and appeal cases in the German Patent Court. She is among the very best in Germany in winning oral proceedings. She is very articulate, possesses impressive understanding and delivers efficient argumentation. She and the C&F team work seamlessly to secure customer objectives.”
  • Who’s Who Legal - Patents 2023
  • WIPR Influential Women in IP 2023
  • Leaders League 2023
    (...) highly recommended for patent prosecution and recommended for patent litigation (…)
  • PROUT Executive Ally 2023
  • Legal 500 EMEA 2023
  • Chambers Europe 2023
    "In the area of pharma, Kirchhofer is a prodigy in my view when it comes to intelligence." "She knows all the details of a case." "Natalie is great for pharma cases."
  • Chambers Global 2023
  • Legal 500 Deutschland 2023
  • Who's Who Legal 2022 (Patents)
    "a top-quality patent specialist" and "leader in biotechnology matters"
  • JUVE Patent 2022
    "good strategist, impeccable legal expertise” (competitor)
  • Diversity Champions in IP 2022 - WIPR
  • IAM Patent 1000 2022
    "Natalie Kirchhofer dispenses a comprehensive suite of patent services and is a rock for life sciences companies. Highly regarded as a strategic counsellor, she is also a tencious advocate with an excellent hit rate in EPO oppositions and German nullity actions."
  • Best Lawyers 2023
  • Legal 500 EMEA 2022
  • Chambers Europe 2022
  • Chambers Global 2022
    "(...)she is brilliant, she has an excellent scientific understanding and is able to take a deep dive in the technological side of cases."
  • Legal 500 Deutschland 2022
  • Who's Who Legal Germany 2022 (Patents)
    "a top-quality patent specialist" and "leader in biotechnology matters"
  • JUVE Handbuch 2021/2022
    “simplicity and accuracy”, “creative and puts herself in the client’s shoes” (competitors)
  • Best Lawyers 2022
  • WIPR Leaders 2021 – Patent Leaders
  • Who's Who Legal Germany – Patents 2021
    "Natalie Kirchhofer is lauded by peers as a 'renowned and experienced biochemistry patent specialist'."
    "Dr. Kirchhofer’s talent for advocating and devising effective winning strategies place her among the most sought-after (bio)chemistry patent counsel in Germany."
  • WIPR Influential Women in IP 2020
  • JUVE Handbuch 2020/2021
    Führende Beraterin unter Patentanwälten (exzellente Erklärerin, Wettbewerber)
  • Best Lawyers 2021
  • JUVE Handbuch 2019/2020
    „oft empfohlen
  • WIPR Influential Women in IP 2019
    Als eine von 20 „Trailblazer“ ausgezeichnet ("identified as rising stars in the industry"; "destined for great things")
  • Best Lawyers 2020
  • LMG Life Sciences Star 2015
